What is Home Visiting?


Children do not come with instruction manuals, and there’s a lot to learn as a new parent. ParentPlus supports parents as they explore the new world of parenthood.

Our home visiting programs will partner with you, as your child’s first and most important teacher, by helping with the stress that comes with parenting and working with you to build skills to become a more confident and prepared parent.  With these skills, you can create an environment that will impact your child's development in a positive way while preparing them for a productive life.

Taking on Parenting Together

ParentPlus will connect you with an experienced, compassionate home visitor to serve as your partner in parenting. They will work with you to develop tools to help your family succeed.

 We can work together on common parenting concerns in the comfort of your own home including:

  • Healthy pregnancies and positive birth outcomes

  • Emotional and Developmental Screenings

  • Breastfeeding, Bathing, Diapering

  • Household Safety & Injury Prevention

  • Prenatal and Postnatal Health

  • Nutrition and Exercise 

  • Safe Sleep

  • Stress Management

  • How to quit smoking and develop healthier habits

  • Connecting to Healthcare, Childcare, Housing, and Jobs.


Click on the “Find Programs” button below and fill out the form to find the programs you qualify for.